We Provide Highly Specialized Help
Parent-Child Interventions
Helping parents learn not just to manage but to enjoy and emotionally support their children is at the core of what we do. Our interventions provide comprehensive and on-going counseling, education, and support to parents and families and are based on decades of attachment and developmental research. This is because we are committed to using research-based approaches to ensure that families are getting the best possible treatment. For our specialized interventions, we start with research-based attachment evaluations to help us identify patterns of attachment and caregiving to provide individualized treatment to enhance outcomes. Use of videofeedback is a key component of the Attachment-Based Parenting Intervention. The Circle of Security Parent Consultation model provides an individualized counseling option for families that require less intensive support.
Attachment-Based Intervention
Attachment-Based Parenting Intervention
This is an intensive 12-15 month research-based intervention utilizing videotapes from the parent-child attachment evaluation. Results from the attachment evaluation provide an individualized road map for treatment by identifying key relationship issues. Video feedback helps parents see themselves and their child with greater understanding and discover increased options for responding. Experienced Circle of Security® therapists lead parents in this intentionally ordered protocol to help parents build secure attachments with their children. This intervention is particularly designed for parents that have experienced significant stress, grief and loss, separation from child and Adverse Childhood Experiences. Community CSA funding or Adoption Subsidy is required for this intensive intervention.
Circle of Security® Parent Consultation
This 15-session parenting consultation model uses the research-based Circle of Security® manual and DVD training series. The Circle of Security® Parenting Program is based on research about how parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened and has proven effective with parents around the world. This engaging parent approach uses parent -friendly videos, graphics, and hand-outs to present examples of secure and challenging parent-child interaction and healthy options in caregiving. Attachment, trauma, and brain research are unpacked in an accessible, step-by-step manner for parents by Registered Circle of Security ® parent facilitators. The Circle of Security® Parent Consultation model is also available in Spanish. Community or self-payment is needed to fully cover the costs of this service.


We have expertly trained psychologists and therapists who offer a range of evaluations for many psychological needs. Our clinicians are the leading experts in the field of parent-child attachment in the Richmond area and offer empirically validated evaluations to identify patterns of attachment and caregiving as well as thorough assessments of a child's emotional functioning. These evaluations often serve as an informative first step to identify therapeutic needs for the parents and children.
Our primary mission is to provide evaluations for children and parents involved with the child welfare agencies. Because of the complexity and scope of these evaluations they often require community funding or self-pay.
Evaluations for Parenting Success
Developmental Evaluations
Parent-Child Attachment Evaluation
Full-day research-based evaluation of parent-child attachment patterns, including an individualized report with specific treatment recommendations.
Multi-Systemic Psychological Parent Evaluation
Individual evaluation of parent(s) tailored to specific referral questions (not of parent-child relationship).
Multi-Systemic Psychological Child Evaluation
Individual evaluation of child’s cognitive, academic and/or emotional functioning tailored to specific referral questions.
*Multi-Systemic Parent and Child Evaluations can be conducted in Spanish.
Las evaluaciones de padres e hijos pueden ser realizadas en español.
Young Child Developmental Screening
Developmental assessments of children under the age of 5 to identify those with developmental disorders.
Autism Evaluation
Utilizes 'gold standard' measures in assessing the individual child: The Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised and the Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale.
Some insurance funded evaluations are conducted depending on the psychologists’ availability.

Outpatient Therapy
Therapy at Partners in Parenting (PIP) is all about relationships – helping individuals, couples, and families strengthen their relationship capacity. Sometimes building relationships involves working with others such as your child or partner and sometimes it involves working on yourself. This process starts with a trusting, supportive therapeutic relationship with a highly skilled clinician who can help you tell your story, identify areas for focus of treatment, and accompany and guide you through this process. PIP therapists are highly regarded in the Richmond area for specialized training in relationship focused treatment approaches and evidence-based trauma therapy.
We are always happy to discuss your presenting concerns when you make your initial referral and, if we cannot meet your needs at PIP, we will make recommendations for other providers or services in our community.
Treatment Modalities
Presenting Problems
Circle of Security ® parenting
Cognitive Processing Therapy (evidence-based trauma therapy for adults)
Couples therapy
Emotion-focused therapy (science-based therapy for individuals, couples, and families)
Family therapy
Individual therapy for children, teens, and adults
Play therapy
Safe and Sound Protocol (evidence-based trauma therapy for children)
Theraplay (dyadic therapy for children and caregivers)
Trauma-Focused CBT (evidence-based trauma therapy for children
Adjustment to life events
Anger management
Developmental Disorders
Family relationships (including parent-child and couples)
Grief and loss
Infant Mental Health
Social/friendship skills
Stress and coping

Consultation is the time-limited and focused help you need to address specific parenting concerns. When we weave our knowledge of child development, attachment, and mental health together with parents' wisdom regarding their own children, and with other community providers' areas of expertise, we enhance outcomes for all families and build a stronger community.
Parent Consultation
Educational Consultation
Fostering + Adopting Consultation
Problem-focused consultation to help families navigate challenging behaviors or life adjustments such as separation/divorce, childhood behavior problems, grief and loss, adolescence and launching
Development of holistic intervention plan including natural supports and specialized treatment as needed
Preschool/childcare center observations, consultations, and training for parents and/or school staff
Educational consultation for parents and/or school staff which may include attending school meetings, administering educational testing, observing in the classroom and training staff
Pre-adoptive counseling for parents (pre-adoptive evaluations available on request)
Post-placement consultation/coaching for parents and/or caseworkers
Circle of Security® online group trainings for foster and adoptive parents